Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two Horses and a Carriage.

The pace is picking up here at Haus Blauen. The girls are settled into their studies and their chosen activities for the year. We have girls playing volleyball and soccer, helping out with Awana, and rehearsing for Seussical the Musical. We're soaking up the last of the warm weather and impatiently waiting for the mountains to turn orange and yellow, our visible sign of the change of season.

This weekend we had the privilege of going on a carriage ride in a neighboring town. We rode through corn fields, small villages, and vineyards behind to very large horses, a Clydesdale and a Shire named Max and Sam, and had wonderful time.

At the beginning of the year this couple offered to give carriage rides and host any of the dorms that were interested. We jumped on this opportunity, and it exceeded our expectations. This couple lives in Tannenkirch, an adorable little village about 30 minutes from our dorm, and wanted to serve the BFA community. The wife is American and her husband is German and they have an old farm house and barn. Not only did they take us on rides, they are provided drinks and snacks and just let the girls relax and enjoy their yard/barn area. We had a great time seeing the countryside and hanging out at their house, and the horses were amazing. We even got to help clean and feed them after the rides were over. Here are a few pictures from our little outing.

The first group is ready to get going.

Group number two ready for their ride.

And the last group of the day. 

Our driver was kind enough to offer us a snack on our ride by knocking some walnuts out of a tree we were passing by. We tried to crack them open but were very unsuccessful. Obviously. 

This is the beautiful countryside we enjoyed. That is Tannenkirch in the distance. Further out, the peak in the distance, is Blauen, our mountain. 

And here are some pictures while we weren't riding around in a carriage.

I found a little tiny chair. Beka thought she should get a picture of it. 

 I love this picture. We are definitely a girls dorm because here we have the massage chain. Fun fact: this is actually an old wine cellar that the owners of the house have redone.

Here is our dorm. These girls continue to surprise and amaze me. They are becoming a united group even though they come from diverse backgrounds. They strive to love and care for each other. They are wonderful and I am blessed to live with them. 

Fall is continuing to settle in here just like the girls are. The weather is cooling down and rain is falling more often. Here are a couple prayer requests for the coming the weeks. Susie, our dorm mom, had to leave suddenly when her mom got sick a couple of weeks ago. She is back in the States and will be gone for a month total. Pray that things will go smoothly even with her gone. Pray for energy for the remaining staff as we are all picking up a few more responsibilities. Pray for Susie as she is caring for her mom and her family.

That's all for now. I hope your day is full of fall colors, hats, beautiful scarves, and God's faithfulness.


Friday, September 2, 2011


Two days ago I had a bit of a shocking moment. After dinner every night we put away the leftovers and mark what the food is and the date. I went to write the date and said out loud, "It's the 27th, right?" My staff members quickly corrected me and told me it was the 31st. The 31st of August! 

A month has gone by. September is here. Training has come and gone. Our new students have arrived and settled in and our returning students followed soon after. Now we're finding our rhythm for life in the dorm. Another year has started. 

It's been interesting being back for a third year. They say that it takes a whole year to really feel settled in a new place. The first year I was learning all about this new culture, both German and BFA. I learned so much about humility and releasing control, trusting others to advise and guide me. The second year I was relieved to understand where I was and what I was doing. While I didn't think everything was perfect, it was comforting just understand what was going on and what would happen next. So what will year three be marked by? I'm not sure yet. It's good to be back. I love this dorm. I love my little village. I love the heart and passion of the people in the BFA community to love and serve God and one another well. But this year feels different already, as it should. God's doing something, time will tell how I will be changed by Him and His love this year. 

In very exciting news, because of your faithful support I am at 90% for the year! I am so thankful for all of you who have been praying and giving toward my year here. I even have a couple new monthly supporters! To reach 100% for the year all I need is around $160 a month or $1600 total. If you would like to give a one time gift or sign up to be a monthly supporter just let me know or visit Teach Beyond and put my name in the space for "specific missionary". 

Here are just a few pictures from my time back in the States this summer. It was good to be back and catch up with so many of you. I've known your love and support through so many ways. I am so blessed when you use your gifts and talents to support and provide for my needs. Thank you so much for continuing to care for me. 

Our one day as a whole family in Michigan. 


Happy 60th Dad! Celebrating with the "best" cherry pie in Michigan. It was pretty amazing.

Britt and Val, two friends from Moody, came to visit for a couple of days. These are two amazing women who are passionate about knowing God. Spending time with them was so refreshing, even though it was during the hottest weather of the summer.

So, obviously, we swam everyday.

I also spent some precious time with my siblings, who I just can't seem to spend enough time with, and with my relatives in Texas, Iowa, and Minnesota. Being over here might be a little easier if my family wasn't so wonderful. 

That's it for now. Look for another post soon with pictures of life here! We have 7 new girls and they are all incredible. Really. Add them to our 7 returners, who are amazing, and it looks like it will be a great year!
