Monday, September 7, 2009

So Faithful

So much has happened since my last post and I hardly know where to start. Last night one of the counselors from the school came up to our dorm fellowship (a time where our dorm does something fun together which often includes visitors or food or games). Mari Ellen asked the girls to put together a picture of what their life looks like for them right now. After considering this question for awhile I decided that my life is like a hike in the area around where I live. Sometimes I working hard to climb a steep hill and other times I'm enjoying a flat area with a great view. Every so often I come to a place where I look out and know unmistakably that God is faithful.

For those of you who don't already know, my Papa (my dad's dad) passed away August 28th. While not completely unexpected, I didn't think this would happen so soon after I moved here. I wasn't sure if I should go back for the funeral and went back and forth in my mind. In the end I decided to make the trip and was completely supported by the dorm staff here. When I made the decision I wasn't sure if this would negatively affect my relationships with the girl since they had just arrived. Not only that but I absolutely did not have the money to by a last minute plane ticket. What I did know is that God is always faithful and this is direction I felt He was taking me in.

Now on the other side I can again say, He is faithful. Through unexpected sources my ticket was completely paid for. My girls where more than understanding about everything and I feel like I never even left. Jet lag was almost non-existent when I got back.

My time in Texas was a sweet time. It was exhausting and at times heart-breaking but it was good. The whole family was able to be together and mourn together. We were also able to see my grandparents community reach out and care for us in our time of need. My papa had a clear testimony and I have no doubt that I will see him again. I think the picture below is a testament to my papa. He was always making us laugh and keeping us on our toes. You wouldn't think that the this picture was taken at a funeral and I think that is exactly how Papa would have wanted it.

On a completely different note, I went to my first rugby game on Saturday. The 3 guys dorms gathered to play each other and the 4 girls dorms followed to cheer on the guys. My dorm is across the street from Sonne, a guys dorm, so we became their cheerleaders. The girls painted their faces and made signs and cheered so hard they lost their voices. It was a beautiful day and a great time altogether. This is Anna (on the right), a senior in my dorm with Jordan (on the left), the sister of one of the guys from Sonne.

And this is the poster the girls made for the guys to run through.

That's about all that is new here for now. Today is my day off so I'm going to go for a hike and enjoy the sun while it is shining. Thank you for all your prayers and hopefully my next post won't be so long coming.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you got to go back for your Papa's funeral. I wasn't sure if you would be able to fly back or even if you would think it best. I remember my grandpa died while I was on a trip to New York City in high school. It was a dilemma deciding whether to return or not.

    I'm delighted but not surprised that it looks like things are great over there for you. I knew you would be great for this position from the start. Thanks for the updates; it keeps your cousins who live oh-so-many time zones away from you up to date.
