The last two weeks have been busy and wonderful. We have had several days of sunshine which everyone is feeling the need to soak up before winter weather is upon us. It is definitely fall now and the leaves are beginning to change. Last weekend Soyoung (my fellow Blauen RA) and I took the girls to a pumpkin festival in Witt. The festival was small and quaint but enjoyable. This is a picture of Soyoung and I with a pumpkin cow. There was also a pumpkin circus and pumpkin people on pumpkin swings. See a theme here? All the roommates picked out a pumpkin to be carved at a later date.
Now I would like to introduce you to a Blauen tradition. Each girl gets to have a birthday celebration on a Sunday, usually the Sunday closest to their birthday. The birthday girl picks a meal and dessert and we make it for them. There is LOUD singing/yelling and then the birthday girl gets "bucketed". In other words, she gets doused by buckets of warm water prepared before hand while everyone sings High School Musical's "Breaking Free". Naturally, the birthday girl can't go along with this too easily so often we end up with a chase down the street and then carry said birthday girl back to the house. The draw back to running away, however, is that the creek is on the way back to the house and it's easier just to dunk them in the creek instead. This weekend it was Anna's birthday and she put up a good fight but, as always, ended up in the creek. Here is a picture of the girls carrying here to the creek.
Here is a random picture I thought I would include because it makes me really happy. On Saturday I walked into my room, where I always have my windows open, and there on my window sits a butterfly. I took the opportunity to practice my photography skills (which I don't really have) and take some shots of it. This is one of my favorites. It reminds me of one of my dear friends from home who not only love butterflies and what they represent to us, but also love blue glass. E, this one is for you.
And here is another view of my valley. This is a view of Marzel from the top of Hoch Blauen, the big hill/mountain right behind my dorm. When this picture is bigger you can actually see the back of my dorm and my room. I hiked up to Hoch Blauen on my day off yesterday and took this.
For those of you who have been asking about a picture of my dorm I thought I would give you a link to see a video of it instead. One of the RA's from across the street took this time-lapse out the front window of their dorm. My dorm is right across the street, the white house with the blue shutters. Nothing too exciting happens but you can see the students leave for school, come home from school, one of the guys get creeked for his birthday, and then everyone leave for a worship night at school. When you see the black van drive up in front of Blauen and then turn around in Sonne's parking area that is me. Here is the link to check it out on youtube.
That's all for now. Thanks for all the support and interest in my life here. I am so blessed to have
the support of all of you!