Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Out of Dust.

Finally, I new post.

It's been months, much longer than I anticipated. For months I said to myself, "I'll write a new post after....or when I know...." Now, it's almost May. Almost May? If the calender didn't say it I would never believe that that is true.

So what has been happening in the these past few months? A little bit of everything. Lots of events, games, recitals, retreats, and countless meals and loads of laundry. As a dorm we've walked through change, growth, loss, stress, and lots of bonding moments. I could try and recount the year by events, and I will do a bit of that through pictures in another post (here is one for now), but what I see when I look at this year is growth.

As I processed what I would write in this post the song "Beautiful Things" by Gungor kept running through my mind. Here are some of the lyrics.

All this pain
I wonder if I’ll ever find my way
I wonder if my life could really change at all
All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

All around
Hope is springing up from this old ground
Out of chaos life is being found in You

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

I first heard this song last year and I liked it. I thought it was a bit repetitive but beautiful. This year, the song has taken on a whole new meaning and message to me. It's become a song of brokenness and redemption. A chant of hope and God's constant faithfulness to us. Now, the repetition is a comfort. A reminder that sometimes all we can do is repeat what we know to be true, even if we don't feel like it's true in the moment, having the hope that God is always faithful. And that is how this year has been. Through all things, all circumstances, all highs and lows, God has faithfully provided in His timing. This year is another anthem of God's faithfulness and provision, His constant love through brokenness and joy.

There are five and a half weeks left in the school year here. Five and a half more weeks to live with fourteen girls and two adults that I adore. Five and a half weeks to finish up another year and say the goodbyes none of us want to say. It's a hard time of year. Spring is here, the sun is out, the flowers are blooming, and let me tell you, this dorm is soaking in the beauty of the season. But with spring comes change here. So much change. I want everything to just slow down a little, give us more time together, time to enjoy one another without the cloud of loss that comes with change. But, I know that God is faithful, always faithful, and He times everything and gives us what we need to walk through it. So, I take a deep breath, try to enjoy every moment, and trust my Father.

So, there is a bit of a catch up. I wish I could recount more details and tell more stories. I hope to get a couple more blogs posted before the end of the year with fewer words and more pictures but sometimes I'm a bit too optimistic.

I'm struggling to write this final bit of news but know that it needs to come out, even if it doesn't sound like I want it too. Over the past 5 months I've struggled to make to make plans for next year. I love this place and the people here. I see God at work here and I want to be a part of it. There is such a need for workers here and I want to fill that need. I was considering a position here for next year that I would have loved to take. After a lot of time, prayer, processing, and so many conversations, however, I've decided it's time to head back to the States. I love and hate this decision. It breaks my heart to think about leaving, I never thought this would become my home but after three years, it is. But, I think it's time to walk in faith in a new direction. I'm not entirely sure what the next years will bring but God is doing something new and it's time to take a step.

This is what I have for now. Thank you so much for your prayers. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch but I am so thankful that you have been faithful in supporting me through prayer and giving even when I'm unfaithful in communicating. Also, I'm figuring out what my financial status looks like as this year comes to a close and I will be in touch about where I have needs and if I even have any. You have been so faithful to give and God has provided for me once again.

A few things to pray for as the year closes: Finishing well on all fronts here. Sweet times with relationships here. Continued guidance and provision for the future.

Thanks again for all your care for me and the work I get to do here. These years have been a blessing and I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to this work that has become my life.
