Spring is here in Chicago and with it so much change. Change usually makes me cringe and want to curl up with some kind of security object. It makes me want to hold tight to what I know. I like what I know. I like my schedule and patterns and routine. I like that I know what to do and where to go here at Moody from years of experience. Change is coming though, just like spring. A couple weeks ago when we had an April snow, I saw some daffodils that, to my surprise, refused to wilt, despite the cold precipitation. This is how this change is in my life. No matter what I do to try and stop it, it's coming. There's no use fighting change so I'm working on embracing it and learning to trust in a new way.
On May 16th I will be a Moody grad. I'll drive out of Chicago with a B.A. in hand and four years of intense learning and growing behind me. I could get emotional and nostalgic about my time at Moody but I'll spare you. Suffice it to say that while not all my memories of this school are sweet, they all make me who I am today. One of my profs read this quote in class the other day and I think it sums up how I feel about what I have learned here. "I would not give a fig for the simplicity on this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity." My life might have been easier if I had never come here but I would never choose to go back to who I was before my days at Moody. Even though learning truth has been painful for me, I wouldn't take an easier walk for anything. I have been molded into who I am through difficult experience and that is worth all the pain.
The first two month post Moody are going to be filled with raising support, both financial and prayer, to move to Black Forest Academy in Kandern, Germany. This is all new and slightly terrifying for me. What I do know, however, is that God is faithful. I can confidently say that I believe God is leading me to go to Germany and so I will go. Right now the plan is to be in Germany for at least 2 years. Though I will be sad to leave Moody I am excited to get home and be able to focus more intensely on raising support and preparing for the big move at the end of July.
That's all I have for now. As I get more information and details about my departure, where I'll be living, and what my schedule looks like I will pass it along. Peace.
That's all I have for now. As I get more information and details about my departure, where I'll be living, and what my schedule looks like I will pass it along. Peace.